Thursday, March 28, 2013

Sleep like an angel

Posted by Jane Cruzat RN at 7:50 PM
Parents have all tried gazing at their babies when they are sleeping. It's one of those amazing moments to see babies sleep sound and free. However, the nightmare strikes when their tiny angels start demanding attention by means of crying. What should parents do? Will they give in to their babies or resist the idea of nursing them back to sleep? Here are some helpful tips for your babies' good night sleep:

1. Have a routine schedule of your baby's sleep. A recent study suggests that babies sleep for 8-10 hours. Just like adults, they are easily comforted with predictability that is why babies need to stick on a regular sleeping time.

2. Follow a bedtime ritual  with your baby. If it means playing or singing him a song, then do so.

3. Wait for your baby to fall asleep as you follow his regular time of rest.

4. When your baby started crying a bit, try to comfort him in a calm and tender voice. Don't talk much because it would trigger him to cry all the more. Picking him up is not necessary at all.

5. If it happened that your baby began to cry as you slip through the room, wait for at least 5 minutes before comforting him quickly. Teach him how to comfort himself with less of your presence.

6. Know that your baby is mastering new skills day by day. Rolling on his bed or crawling can stress him a bit, thus interfering with his sleep. Putting him in a strange situation can also add up to his sleeping problem. 

7. Most importantly, if your baby keeps crying even after rocking or feeding him, you may call a doctor to make sure that  he's not in a painful condition such as ear infection or digestion problem.

Now, you've found a magic formula to give your baby an angelic sleep. Happy sleeping time! ♥

Source: Touchpoints Project (see page 81).

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